Virtuelp is a virtual travel desk to serve the travel needs of its prestigious corporate, companies or individuals. We also manage fleet services in all major cities of India for Airport Transit, Local run, out station Package tours, business meetings or for events and conferences. We operate fleet services from the normal sedan cars to luxury premium cars, coach, caravan and Helicopter services in India
It may be business travel or leisure travel, it can be a FIT, group, daily usage, long tour, month long business travel, or conference and from the standards to luxury premium cars or coach.
Virtual Travel Desk will be performed as a delegated representative of its corporate or clients to operate for their travel. This will benefits to the corporate or companies to reduce the cost of operation and follow ups until the end of the service.
Virtual Travel Desk will be able to connect remotely from any cities to operate its services.
Associations and agreements
– Contracted based Exclusive Virtual Travel Desk for Corporate
– Demand based Virtual Travel Desk for corporate and Individuals
– Advance booking
Payments and Cancellations
– Payments should be advanced basis as per the minimum slab and the balance at the end of the service.
– Corporate payment wallet for regular corporate bookings (system under process )
For more details –

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